Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Life and Times of an Uptown beauty

I want to pose the question, what is a spring chicken? I'm not even 30 yet and I think I am far from it. How does one know? Is it just how you feel? Am I still one? Are you still one? Black don't crack, right?

Llike a lot of women, I struggle with the feeling of self worth. But, up here, there are haters around every corner. (Smiling in your face and pretending to be your bff). How do you see through others perceptions of you? If you love yourself and shamelessly show it, Or maybe have the  urge to use the English language correctly, does that make you arrogant, snobby, stuck up? If you act coy, shy or naive, is that an open invitation for being stepped on  all over by the people you know or even people on the street. Uptown can be a tough place, I think you have to be tougher. I grew with the do or die mentality, but how do you think that effects how you see your Uptown Beauty?


So, I've been knocking around in my head, blog ideas. I couldn't figure out what I wanted my angle to be exactly. I've been watching the blogs I admire very closely. I think I have found my way. This will be a labor of love, I know. I'm walking through this so blindly, so please forgive my many mistakes.


The Uptown Beauty